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What to Pack When Moving Abroad?

If you’re one of the lucky ones who have been offered a job overseas, or you’ve decided to take the plunge and move to a new country on your own, congratulations! But what to pack when moving abroad? If you have no idea where to start packing, be sure to keep reading – we’ve explained what essentials you need to bring with you when moving internationally.

Packing for an international relocation can often seem like an impossible task, but it can be made simple if you have a list of essentials you want to bring with you. It’s often best to start with important documents and necessary medication. A first aid kit and toiletries will also be a crucial part of the packing list. Of course, you can’t move without your clothes and shoes, and be sure not to forget the electronic devices you regularly use. Lastly, we all have a few miscellaneous items we can’t live without – don’t forget to pack those that you need.

How to Know What to Pack When Moving Abroad?

If you want to move efficiently to another country, there will be many things you’ll need to check off your relocation to-do list before the big day. Most people think that the biggest problem is finding international movers who can provide you with excellent moving services (and let us not forget packing assistance as well) – but this is nothing compared to your entire household inventory list that’s waiting for you.

Moving to a new country is an exciting adventure. But it can also be a bit overwhelming, especially when it comes to packing. What should you bring with you? There’s no need to worry! With a little bit of planning, you can pack for your move abroad easily.

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One of the first things you’ll need to do when packing for your move abroad is to make a list of all the things you’ll need to take with you. This includes both essential (clothes, toiletries, medications) and non-essential items (photos, keepsakes, souvenirs). Once you have your list, take some time to research what items are easily available in your new country and what might be difficult or expensive to find. This will help you determine what needs to go on the top of your packing list – this simple relocation tip goes a long way, trust us.

You’ll also want to consider the practicalities of moving across the world, such as climate. If you’re moving from a cold climate to a hot climate or vice versa, you’ll need to pack appropriately. No need to pack unnecessary stuff and increase the number of boxes that your international mover will transport!

What to Leave Behind?

Just because you can fit everything into suitcases doesn’t mean you should bring everything with you! One of the best things about relocating to another country is that it’s a fresh start. So use this opportunity to declutter, decide what to keep, and get rid of anything you don’t need or use anymore. Not only will this make packing easier, but it will also give you more space in your new home. And who knows, maybe getting rid of some of your old stuff will make room for some new treasures from your travels!  

Young woman sitting on a stool, surrounded by boxes before moving overseas
With a little bit of planning ahead, packing for your big move can be surprisingly easy

Important Documents for Moving Overseas

When relocating abroad, it’s important to have all of your important documents in order. Make sure you have a copy of your passport, as well as any visas or permits you may need. Here are the documents you will most likely require:

  • A visa,
  • Airline tickets,
  • Travel insurance,
  • Cash in local currency, along with your credit card,
  • Birth and marriage certificates,
  • Physician-signed prescriptions,
  • Diplomas and other credentials with translated copies,
  • A replica of your lease and the most recent bills from your old address.

Remember to make copies of all the necessary paperwork and store them apart from the originals. To ensure that you can always download them on the phone if necessary, scan documents and upload them to a cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox. Never forget to verify the documentation requirements for entering the country of your choice.

American passport on top of a plane ticket
Don’t forget to pack all your important documentation

Your Prescription Medications Should Definitely Be on the Packing List

One of the relocation essentials to remember is to pack your medicine. Depending on where you are going and what type of health insurance you have, you may not be able to get the same medication that you are used to taking. It is important to do your research ahead of time so that you can be prepared. Start by making a list of all the medications you take on a regular basis, both prescription and over-the-counter. This will help you make sure you don’t forget anything.

Research whether the medications you take are available in the country you’re going to. If they’re not, find out if there are any alternatives that are available. Make sure you have enough of each medication to last you for at least a month – people often forget this, so be sure to avoid this common relocation mistake. One month’s worth of medicine will give you time to find a new doctor and get a prescription filled if necessary. Be sure to pack your medications in their original containers so that you can easily show them to customs officials if necessary.

A great relocation hack is to keep a list of the generic and brand names for each of your medications as well as their purpose – this will come in handy if you need to find an alternative while abroad. Of course, you need to tell your doctor that you’re relocating so that they can update your records and provide any additional information or referrals that might be helpful.

Finally, research the laws of the country you are relocating to so that you don’t accidentally break them. Some countries have strict regulations about bringing in controlled substances, and you may not be able to carry over every medication you use.

You Should Always Pack a First Aid Kit

There are a lot of things to think about and prepare for, but one thing that is often overlooked is packing a first aid kit. Regardless of your reasons for relocating, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Here are some essential items that should be in your first aid kit when you move abroad.

  • Band-aids – You can never have too many band-aids. They are great for small cuts and scrapes and can also be used as makeshift blisters. Be sure to pack a variety of sizes and shapes to suit any need.
  • Gauze pads – Gauze pads are useful for bigger cuts that need more protection than a band-aid can provide. They can also be used to clean up wounds before applying a band-aid.
  • Adhesive tape – Adhesive tape is essential for keeping gauze pads and band-aids in place. It can also be used to secure splints or ice packs.
  • Antiseptic wipes – Antiseptic wipes are key for preventing infection in cuts and scrapes. Be sure to include them in your first aid kit.
  • Antibiotic ointment – Antibiotic ointment can help prevent infection in minor cuts and scrapes. It is always good to have it on hand, just in case.
  • Pain relievers – Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can come in handy for everything from headaches to muscle aches. Be sure to pack them in your first aid kit before you move abroad.

In addition to these items, you might also want to include things like eye drops, a thermometer, and sunburn relief cream. If you’re going somewhere with harsh winters, it’s also a good idea to pack supplies like lip balm and hand cream to prevent chapped lips and dry skin.

Woman preparing her medications before moving internationally
Bringing your medication and a first aid kit is a must when relocating to a new country

Essential Toiletries to Bring When Relocating

Living on your own in a new country comes with its own set of challenges, and one of those challenges is finding toiletries and hygiene products that meet your needs. If you’re used to using a certain brand of shampoo or soap, it might not be available in your new country. That’s why it’s important to do your research before you pack your bags and head off on your adventure. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of items you should consider packing for your move.

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste,
  • Floss and mouthwash,
  • Deodorant,
  • Soap,
  • Shampoo and conditioner,
  • Body lotion,
  • Makeup and makeup remover,
  • Hair products (if you use any),
  • Razors and shaving cream (or other hair removal products),
  • Tampons or pads (if you use them).

What About Electronic Devices?

Recently, electronics have risen to the top of our list of necessities. They can be used for reading books, playing with friends, watching movies, staying in touch with family, or working. Although we know you won’t forget something as basic as a laptop, we must mention this – don’t forget to research the plug adapters required in the destination nation and whether a voltage converter is necessary, for instance, if you’re relocating to or from the States. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of relocating without having to worry about how you will charge your devices.

Woman typing on the laptop in bed and holding a cup of coffee
You can move without many things, but your laptop must come with you for sure

No One Can Move Without Clothes – Here’s What to Keep in Mind When You Pack Clothing

Packing clothes for a move abroad can be a hard task. There are so many things to consider. What kind of climate will you be moving to? Will you have access to a washer and dryer as soon as you arrive? How much space will you have in your new home? Start with the basics. Make sure you have enough underwear, socks, and shirts to last you for at least a week. You can always do laundry once you’re settled in, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Plus, it’s always good to have a few extra sets of clothes in case of an emergency.

Pack seasonally appropriate clothing. If you’re going to a place with a different climate, make sure you pack clothes that are appropriate for the season. For example, if you’re moving from the United States to Europe in the winter, you’ll need heavier clothing like coats and sweaters.

When it comes to packing technique, there is much debate on whether it is better to fold or roll your clothes when placing them in a suitcase. The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer. Try both methods and see what works better for you. Also, be sure to try the KonMari method – it’s explained in the video below, so check it out.

Don’t Forget the Shoes – How to Pack These Items?

Start by pairing shoes together. This will not only save space, but it will also prevent you from having to search for a matching pair once you arrive at your destination. Place each pair into its own individual plastic bag. This will help keep them clean and free from dust while in transit.

Fill any empty spaces inside the shoe with crumpled-up newspaper, packing peanuts, or even socks. This will help prevent the shoe from being damaged during transit. Once all of your shoes are packed, place them into a sturdy box or bag specifically designed for shipping shoes. Label the box clearly with the contents and destination so that there is no confusion when unpacking at your new home.

Pair of shoes, clothes, belt, and sunglasses on a white surface

Shoes and clothes are essential as well – set aside enough time to pack them all

Be Sure to Book International Moving Services on Time if You Want to Pull off an Efficient Move

If you’re planning an international move, it’s important to book moving services well in advance. This will ensure that everything goes smoothly and that your belongings make it safely to your new home. When choosing an international moving company to help with your move, be sure to do your research and ask for references. By hiring professional movers, you can rest assured that your belongings will be handled with care and that the entire process will run as smoothly as possible.

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