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Moving to Another Country for Love? Here Are Some Things You Should Consider

When you’re in love, nothing seems to matter other than being with that person. So when your partner suggests moving to another country for love, it can be an incredibly romantic proposition. But before you say yes, there are a few things you should consider. Here is a list of some factors to think about before making such a big decision.

Is It Worth Moving to Another Country for Love?

On the one hand, uprooting your life to move to another country is a huge decision. It’s not something you should do lightly. If you have a good job, a comfortable place to live, and a supportive network of family and friends, it can be tough to leave all that behind. On the other hand, if you’re head-over-heels in love with your partner and you know they’re “the one,” then moving overseas to be with them might just be worth it. After all, love is the most important thing in life, right?

However, the decision to move overseas for a relationship should be taken seriously. It goes without saying that emotions can make some people slightly illogical and give them the tendency to see the world through rose-colored glasses. So, before you start planning a move to another country, you must make sure your relationship is strong and that it’s the right choice for you.

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What Do Statistics Say About Moving Abroad for Love?

Every year, millions of people make the decision to leave their home country in order to be with the person they love – it’s considered to be one of the most common reasons to move. While this is a big decision for anyone to make, it’s an even bigger one when you factor in things like breaking the language barrier, homesickness, and culture shock.

However, according to a recent study, the number of people relocating abroad has been on the rise in recent years, and many do it to be with their significant other. Moreover, of those who do move abroad for love, most do so with the intention of living in a new country permanently.

In these studies, almost three-quarters of all couples (73%) indicated they had remained together for longer than a year following the move. More people have had excellent experiences following this type of relocation. Despite the fact that it is a huge transition, most see it as an opportunity to realize their aspirations, with more than half responding saying they are still happy with the choice.

Couple holding hands after moving abroad
The best thing about moving to another country for love is being with your significant other – but that is not the only advantage

How Stable Is Your Current Relationship?

Can your relationship survive the culture shock after you move across the world, or will it crumble under pressure? Before getting international moving services and following your significant other, it’s important to take a step back and evaluate the current state of your relationship. There are a few key factors you’ll need to consider.

How Well Do You Know Each Other?

Do you know each other’s likes, dislikes, habits, and pet peeves? Do you know each other’s families or friends? The more you know about one another, the easier it will be to adjust to living overseas together. If there are still things you don’t know about each other, take some time before making any major decisions.

Are You on the Same Page About Your Relationship Goals?

Do you both want to get married and have children? Do you want to travel and see the world together? Or are you just looking for a casual fling? It’s important that you’re on the same page about your relationship goals before relocating abroad. Otherwise, one person may feel deceived, trapped, or suffocated by the commitments they didn’t sign up for.

Can You Handle Living in Close Quarters?

If you’re not used to sharing your space with someone else, it can be a big challenge, even more so when you need to do it in a foreign country. Make sure you’re able to handle living in close quarters – otherwise, you may find yourself driving each other crazy within a matter of weeks.

Are You Financially Compatible?

Money is often one of the biggest sources of stress in relationships. If you’re not on the same page about finances, it can be even harder when living in a foreign country where costs are often higher than expected. Since you’re not relocating abroad alone, talk about your financial goals and make sure you’re on the same page.

Couple enjoying outdoors after moving internationally
Assess your relationship and common goals before you make any important decision

Can You Afford to Move Internationally?

Many people daydream about relocating to a foreign country and expanding their horizons. The appeal of a new culture, climate, and lifestyle is hard to resist. But before you make the jump, you need to ask yourself one question – can you afford it?

The first thing you need to consider is your living situation – will you move in with your significant other, or will you look for a place to live together? In the second case, you’ll need to factor in the cost of renting an apartment or house. However, you must count on recurring bills for utilities, transportation, the cost of memberships, groceries, and so on.

Don’t forget to account for things like hiring an international moving company and getting additional services such as overseas vehicle shipping or professional packing service. To avoid making financial relocation mistakes, take the time to make your relocation budget and save up before relocating to another country for love.

A woman looking at some papers while working on a laptop
Carefully go over your finances before deciding to move abroad

Will You Be Able to Break the Language Barrier?

When you move abroad, one of the first things you need to do is learn the language. Even if everyone around you speaks English, there will be plenty of words and phrases that you just don’t understand.

Some people are naturally gifted in learning a new language, while others need more time and effort to master it. The best way to learn a new language abroad is to actually use it in conversation. Whenever you have a chance, strike up a conversation with a local. You’ll be surprised at how willing people are to help you practice your new language skills.

At the same time, listen to native speakers whenever possible. You can start doing it even from home through foreign movies and series. Hearing the language spoken in its natural environment will help you pick up on subtleties that you might miss in a classroom setting.

Of course, don’t forget to use language learning resources. In addition to talking and listening, it’s also important to read and write in your new language. There are all sorts of great resources available both online and offline that can help you improve your skills. Look for books, websites, or language learning apps that can help you better understand and use the language.

For some additional tips on learning a new language, take a look at the video below:

How Familiar Are You With the Country You Are Going To?

If you plan to hire international movers, you should do your research on your future home – especially if you’ve never been there before. To determine whether you could truly picture yourself living there, spend a few days there and immerse yourself in the local environment, culture, and experience, if possible.

Here are the most important things to do before packing your relocation essentials and flying away:

  • Research the requirements for obtaining a work visa – the last thing you want is to arrive in your new country only to find out that you don’t qualify for a work visa, so make sure you gather and organize important documents on time.
  • Learn about healthcare – find out if there is public healthcare available, and if so, what kind of coverage it provides. If there is no public healthcare or if it is not sufficient for your needs, investigate private health insurance options.
  • Familiarize yourself with the cost of living – living expenses can vary widely from one country to another. Be sure to research the cost of basics like housing, food, and transportation in your new country so that you can budget accordingly.
  • Research the climate and weather patterns – depending on where you’re coming from, the climate in your new country may be very different from what you’re used to. Do some research on the average temperatures and precipitation levels throughout the year so you can decide what to keep clothes-wise.
  • Get acquainted with popular cultural customs – a little bit of research can go a long way in helping you feel comfortable and avoid accidentally offending locals.

The more you know about your new country, the sooner you’ll be able to adapt to your new life. Therefore, it must not be one of the things you forget to do when relocating – even if you have a last-minute move.

A couple booking an international mover on a laptop while surrounded by boxes
Your partner can help familiarize you with your new country

What Are Some Other Things You Should Consider When Moving to Another Country for Love?

Romance movies and books would have you believe that going overseas for love is as easy as packing everything in your suitcase and taking off. While such a significant life-changing relocation might often be romantic and wonderful, there is much more to it. Here are some additional things you need to think of before hiring an international mover:

Can You Legally Move?

A tourist visa usually allows visitors to stay for a maximum of 90 days before having to depart. If your partner is the visa holder, you may be eligible for a “spouse visa,” meaning you may actually qualify for a work or even residence visa. You’ll need to do your study to determine whether this is a possibility for you since spouse visas differ between countries. If you don’t apply for a spouse visa, you might be able to get a digital nomad or student visa – make sure you do your research on them.

Will You Be Able to Make New Friends?

When you’re moving internationally, you’ll need to leave behind your entire support network. Make sure you’re prepared to put in the effort necessary to meet new friends. For starters, make sure you join online expat communities and connect with people with similar interests.

Will the Move Impact Your Career?

A move will be a significant shift whether your employer permits you to continue working remotely or if you must leave your position and look for something else. Additionally, there is always a chance you’ll have to endure a career regression if you plan on relocating for love – so you must make sure it’s worth it. At the same time, if you wish to work overseas, keep in mind that without the appropriate work visa and permit, you will be unable to legally find employment.

Is the Move Permanent?

In the end, you need to determine whether your move will be long-term. Do you intend to stay in your new country permanently, or are you only relocating there for a few weeks or years? Many of the other choices you make regarding your move will be influenced by the response to this question.

If you plan to stay overseas only temporarily, you’ll be able to view the move simply as yet another experience. If the relocation is permanent, however, you should probably give it more consideration to ensure that it is the ideal choice.

World map illustration
One of the most important questions you’ll be faced with is whether you plan on coming back

If Done Right, This Can Be an Adventure of a Lifetime

In today’s globalized world, more and more people are finding love across borders. And while there are lots of challenges that come with these relationships, there are also a lot of relocation benefits. Still, If you’re considering relocating for a relationship, make sure you keep in mind all of the aforementioned guidelines and relocation tips – they will help make the transition smoother. With careful consideration and planning, your foreign love story could be the start of a beautiful new chapter in your life.

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