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5 Most Common Moving Scams and How to Avoid Them

If you’re planning on moving internationally in the near future, you probably already know that you’re in for a complicated task – organizing a relocation. Since you’ll probably have to get some professional assistance, learning how to avoid moving scams is one of the essential things that have to be done before the move. So, how do moving scams work, and how can you protect yourself from them? Let’s find out.

When you start searching for the perfect relocation company that will bring your belongings to another part of the world, you will probably ask yourself – how do I know if a moving company is legit? Can you spot the frauds before they empty your bank account or steal your boxes? The good news is that you absolutely can. In this article, we will show you what to pay attention to and how to protect yourself.

Recognizing Moving Scams – How to Figure Out If an International Moving Company Is Legitimate or a Scam?

Moving company scams are, sadly, a common occurrence – Better Business Bureau usually receives more than 10,000 complaints about relocation businesses per year. Now, we want to make sure that you won’t be filing one of them, so the first task on your relocation to-do list should be researching these kinds of scams. As they say, knowledge is power – the more you understand how these frauds work, the less likely you are to fall for their cheap tricks.

Before Hiring Any International Movers for Moving Overseas to a New City, Get Familiar With Everything About Moving Fraud Tactics

You might think that it’s impossible to uncover all kinds of frauds in the relocation industry, but, believe it or not, it’s not nearly as difficult as it sounds. The main reason for that is that scammers aren’t particularly creative or hard-working – otherwise, they wouldn’t be scammers, right? There are only a few common scams they resort to, and we will explain them all.

Booking Professional Relocation Services on Time Is the Key to Every Successful International Move – Don’t Put This Task Off

Being careful is always necessary when choosing an international mover who will provide you with packing and overseas relocation services. However, that doesn’t mean you have all the time in the world to pick the right company. The best companies will always be booked months in advance, so you have to be smart and hire the movers way before your relocation day.

#1 Having an Unprofessional Website Should Always Alert to a Moving Scam

One of the best moving hacks when first contacting a potential business is often checking out their website. A simple page can tell you more than it’s obvious at first sight – be sure to thoroughly check every service the business offers. Do they explain in detail everything you can expect from their movers and provide all the necessary information? Do they have packing assistance or storage service? This says something about their dedication to the job – and it’s also important for you to know what kind of assistance you’ll be able to use. Also, pay close attention to the overall look of the website – does it look well-maintained and professional?

Lack of Necessary Licenses and Accreditation Is a Sign of Trouble

Everybody can make a nice site – that doesn’t make them legitimate movers. Before you entrust someone with your goods, you must be certain they have the license to transport any goods overseas. Every business that does international relocations is required to be registered with the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) – there is a database of all registered companies on the FMC site, so it’s wise to look for the business here before you hire them.

Woman typing on the laptop in bed and holding a cup of coffee
Make sure the business has a professional site and all the licenses needed

#2 Setting a Quote Without Household Inspection Is Alarming

One of the common relocation mistakes that people make is booking movers even if they don’t provide a detailed household inspection. This is the most important thing for setting a fair price for the move – how would your international movers know what to charge you if they have no idea how many boxes and furniture you have? Estimates should always be based on your household inventory list – that’s the most honest and transparent way of doing business. If you run into companies that don’t want to check your inventory list, you can be 100% sure they are frauds, and you won’t have an efficient move with them.

Some Companies Offer Inspections Over Video Calls – This Is Legitimate

In the last few years – since COVID showed up – the relocation industry has had some changes. One of them is introducing the option of giving estimates over a video call without the workers coming to your home for an inspection. Obviously, this was necessary for health reasons, and it’s completely legitimate – don’t be scared if you come across this option.

International mover checking off something from the list
The relocation crew should do an inspection of your home before setting estimates

#3 Low-Ball Bid Is a Trick Fake International Movers Use Often

Reputable businesses know what they offer and how much that’s worth. You won’t find a decent mover who will set an insanely low price for their hard work and great skill set – it just doesn’t make any sense, right? Keep that in mind in case you run into a so-called business that gives you a suspiciously low quote – it’s usually a sign of a low-ball bid type of scam.

What does this mean? It’s pretty simple – scammers will lure victims with extremely low quotes, and once they have the victims’ goods in their possession, they will simply ask for more money. It’s a trick as old as time, but if it happens to you, there isn’t much you can do. 

Deposit Requests Are Also Typical for Scammers

You should also know that legitimate relocation businesses will never ask you for money upfront. It’s just not how this industry works, but if you don’t have enough information about all the relocation essentials, you can easily fall for this. When someone mentions a deposit for a move, we suggest you start running in the opposite direction – nothing good can come out of entrusting those people with your goods.

Two international movers carrying boxes down the stairs
Here’s some important information for you – a very low quote is never a good sign

#4 No Online Reviews or Seemingly Fake Testimonials of International Moving Services Are a Huge Red Flag

When you’re planning any bigger purchase, you undoubtedly look for the reviews of that product or service – and you should do that when it comes to choosing a relocation business as well. So, head to your computer and start digging. Can you find good reviews of the business in question, or do you run into a complaint every now and then? These reviews can mean the difference between a pleasant relocation after which you can enjoy the benefits of relocating and a real nightmare. Also, keep in mind the possibility that the business has no reviews whatsoever – that’s always a red flag.

How to Spot a Fake Review?

Sadly, fake reviews are common, but the good news is that it doesn’t take a genius to spot them. Just look for testimonials that sound way too good to be true – nobody is perfect, and your relocation crew won’t be either. Real customers will write reasonable praise, with some specific details. Scammers will only have crazy-good reviews with vague stories and little to no originality. Online reviews are one of the best ways to make sure you don’t get into a situation like the one in the video below – check it out to learn more about scamming tactics.

#5 Not Offering a Contract for the Service Means Is an Unmistakable Sign of a Scam

When you contact someone for your relocation, don’t just ask what their price is based on – make sure you ask them will there be a contract for you to sign before your boxes are shipped overseas. If they say no, we suggest you keep looking for somebody legitimate because lack of a contract is one of the easiest ways to spot frauds, and hopefully, you won’t fall for such a cheap trick.

Even If You Do Get a Contract, Never Sign It Before Thoroughly Reading All the Details

On the other hand, a piece of paper isn’t a guarantee that everything will go smoothly and according to the law. Sure, it’s a good sign, but you still have to read the document – yes, even the fine print. Who knows what scammers can think of adding to the contract? Naturally, signing something you haven’t read is never wise, but we mention it here for one simple reason – the stress of relocating often makes people lose their minds, and forgetting something so basic isn’t rare at all.

A person signing a contract with an international moving company
Always use common sense – if the relocation crew is legit, there’ll be a contract

Trust Your Instincts – If Something Seems Out of the Ordinary, Don’t Risk It

You don’t have to be a pro in understanding relocation frauds (even though you now are) to understand when something seems shady. For example, customer support doesn’t seem helpful or friendly – no legitimate business would allow that to happen. Another situation where you’ll have to rely on your gut instinct is when you face clumsy or unskilled workers – this might seem like a coincidence, but it rarely is, and it’s often an indication that your crew is fake and has no idea what relocations should look like. In that case, you have every right to stop them and cancel the move, thus saving yourself at the last moment.

Scammers Rarely Have Good Communication Skills – This Can Set Them Apart From Legitimate Businesses

One of the tells a scammer can have is a lack of social skills. In other words, you will contact a relocation business that isn’t particularly keen on answering your questions or calming your worries. They won’t seem to care about your demands and will try to avoid any deeper conversation about the move. Surprise – it’s a scam. Keep looking for a decent crew.

A bored international mover leaning on a box labeled as fragile
Your instincts can also be of great use when it comes to spotting scammers

What Can You Do If You Get Scammed By a Mover?

In an unfortunate situation like this, there are a few things you can do. It’s not yet the end of the world, but we have to warn you – sometimes, no matter what you do, justice won’t be served. That’s why prevention is the key when it comes to issues like this. Still, you can try reaching out to the following organizations:

  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA),
  • Better Business Bureau,
  • Federal Maritime Commission,
  • Last step – filing a lawsuit against the so-called business.

If You Find a Great Company for Moving Overseas, Your Relocation Will Undoubtedly Be Pleasant and Effortless

It might take you a while to find your perfect fit, but you know what they say – good things come to those who wait. So, don’t rush to hire the first business you come across. Follow our advice and keep your eyes wide open. That should help you find a reputable and decent relocation crew that gives appropriate quotes based on a home inventory. With a professional team by your side, relocating your home overseas will be a great adventure.

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