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Ingenious Moving Hacks for an Easier International Move

Moving internationally can be simultaneously exciting for all the benefits it brings and terrifying because of all the things that must be done before the relocation day. Fortunately, our moving hacks can ease the scary part – if you’re having trouble preparing, all you have to do is implement them when the time comes.

Start With Researching the Place You’re Relocating To

Researching the new city is an absolute must, even with the cross-country relocation. However, there is so much more at stake with moving overseas. Remember – you’re relocating to a whole other country with different laws, healthcare and education systems, and possibly even a foreign language. If you want to make your life and transition easier, it would be best to learn as much as you can about the country you’re relocating to and start breaking the language barrier by finding some great tips for learning a new language.

At the same, you must get to know the cost of living in the country you’ve chosen. It’s pretty easy with modern technology – all you have to do is visit websites such as Numbeo, which will provide you with current and accurate information about housing, grocery, utility, transportation, and other costs. Additionally, before you move abroad, find out whether you have to open a different bank account or can you manage your funds with the existing one. 

Prepare Yourself for Experiencing the Culture Shock

When relocating across the world, you’re bound to meet a culture that is more or less different from what you’re accustomed to. That is why culture shock undoubtedly awaits you after the move – but to what extent? It depends on the closeness of the new culture to your own, but also on your preparation. Keep in mind that the more you learn about different lifestyles and costumes before you move overseas, the less painful the transition will get.

Create a Checklist of Things to Do

How do I make moving painless? A good organization is an excellent starting point, and creating a detailed relocation to-do list can help you achieve it. Although every move is different, here are some key items that must find their way to your checklist:


Before you can plan an international move and look for a home, you must know the funds you have access to. Calculating a relocation budget can even dictate how the move will look like and which international moving services you’ll get. Additionally, it will help you determine if saving up is necessary before the move. 


While you won’t need any special documentation for local and cross-country moves, in most cases, you won’t be able to move abroad without a valid passport and visa. Ensure you contact the country’s embassy or visit the official website to find out about the documents needed to travel abroad and the average time required for obtaining them.


While you (probably) won’t forget to tell your friends and family about the move, there are some official institutions that have to be informed about the change of your home address. USPS, financial and governmental institutions, and healthcare and life insurance providers must be notified, while utilities, memberships, and internet services must be canceled before you hop into a plane.


No matter which international mover you choose, some possessions aren’t allowed in the back of any relocation trucks and inside of international cargos. Flammables, explosives, toxic materials, guns, and ammunition are all items movers won’t move. However, keep in mind that some countries have additional bans when it comes to importing particular possessions – the only way to know about it is to do the proper research before the move.


When you want to live in another country, it’s always a good idea to communicate with the US expats who have already settled there. Members of expat communities will provide you with the best insight into what to expect after the move and give the ultimate tips to ease up your transition.

Couple finishing packing before moving internationally

Moving Hacks for Choosing the Best International Moving Company

Whether you decide to move by sea or by air, you’ll need an overseas relocation company to help you handle all of the complex logistics connected to the international move. One of the worst relocation mistakes you can make is choosing lousy international movers. So that wouldn’t happen, consider following the next tips:

  • Find as many reviews and recommendations as you can – be sure you look for both written and verbal ones. Don’t stop at the company’s website since the reviews you read there can be fabricated. Consult the independent websites, like Yelp, and be sure you’re familiar with the company’s record on Better Business Bureau.
  • Get more than one in-home or virtual estimate – you can’t know if you have a top offer if you don’t compare it with others. Still, keep in mind that the most affordable offer may not be the most reliable one. Many relocation scams are based on luring customers with exceptionally low prices.
  • Check if the company is legitimate – utilize the mover’s USDOT number to check if the company is licensed and insured and see their complaint record on FMCSA’s website.
  • Verify the company’s physical presence – its online presence is a good sign, but sometimes it’s not enough. A legit physical office is one of the leading indicators of a legitimate company.
  • Assess the crew’s professionalism – there is much you can say from the first contact with the company’s representatives. Do they show up on time? Can they provide any information you ask? Are they nice and helpful? The better the team, the more reliable a company is.

Use All the Professional Help You Can Get

When you choose the company that fits your needs the most, you must also plan which (if any) additional services you’ll get. Most reliable companies will offer you their packing services as well as professional overseas vehicle shipping, but it will be up to you to decide if you want to get them. More likely than not, the financial factor will be the deciding one. However, additional services are there to help you move efficiently and stress-free and can be a great answer for a move without a fuss. 

Get Boxes and Other Materials You’ll Use Well Ahead of Time

It’s all fun and games until you get to the boxing up part and often move – that’s usually where the nightmare begins (that is, if you opt against hiring professional packers). However, if you stay well organized and follow our moving tips and hacks, this dreadful period can become a little easier to handle.

The first thing on your boxing up checklist should be gathering all the required materials, like:

  • Different-sized boxes – the amount of them will vary depending on where you’re relocating abroad alone or with family, the types of belongings you possess, and so on.
  • Wrapping and padding materials – packing paper, bubble wrap, and foam peanuts will become your greatest ally when packing fragile items and other delicate objects.
  • Relocation blankets – they will help you protect the furniture and appliances the best,
  • Additional supplies – tape, tape gun, markers, and scissors are also boxing up essentials you must have in your home.

Where to Get Free Boxes and Other Packing Supplies?

How can I move cheaply? Considering that an international move doesn’t come cheap, that’s a question many who want to live abroad ask. If you’re looking for cardboard, check the hidden corners of your house or apartment for usable boxes. If that’s not enough, you can always ask friends, workers at local liquor stores, bookstores, or restaurants if they have some to spare.

As for wrapping and padding supplies, utilize materials you can find in your home, but only for objects that are not too delicate and breakable – bedding, linens, towels, or even clothing pieces and newspapers can be very helpful.

If you want to find out more about easy ways of getting quality relocation supplies for free, take a look at the video below:

Pack Only the Essentials and Get Rid of Everything Else

As we mentioned above, an overseas move can get pretty expensive, but there is a tip that will help you save on relocation costs – box up only those belongings you can’t live without. It’s essential when it comes to deciding which furniture pieces you’ll bring since they are usually the heaviest stuff you possess. It is likely that you need to bring furniture pieces like a sofa or a table, but a nightstand simply isn’t that necessary for many.

Know That Decluttering Your House Is the Key to a Successful International Move

When deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, be ruthless. Duplicated and damaged belongings, objects you haven’t used for over a year, and things you keep out of guilt or obligation shouldn’t be a part of your international cargo (if they don’t have significant sentimental value).

Keep in mind that you also must decide what to do with the stuff you’re leaving behind. You can decide to throw them away or recycle them if they have become completely useless. Objects that are in good condition can be sold or donated to someone who can still use them. On the other hand, if you don’t know what to do with some of your possessions, remember that getting storage services is always an acceptable option.

Person sorting clothes to donate before moving internationally
By donating unwanted belongings, you can significantly help the people in need

Packing Hacks for Moving

As with the relocation as a whole, a good organization can make even a dreadful task such as boxing up a little more bearable. With that in mind, be sure you:

  • Start with storage spaces – begin with basements and garages, which contain items you don’t utilize where often,
  • Pack room by room – don’t try to tackle several rooms at once, but ensure you are done with one before you start with another,
  • Start boxing up on time – give yourself at least three weeks to box up before the relocation day comes,
  • Label all of the boxes – it will help you keep track of all of your belongings,
  • Dedicate a space for boxing up – find one room where you’ll store all of your packed belongings and keep all of the necessary supplies,
  • Ask friends for assistance – remember that you don’t have to box up and carry everything by yourself; your loved ones will be more than happy to help.

How Do You Pack to Move in a Hurry? By Using Clever Hacks to Make Moving Easier 

Aside from some general tips to help you stay on track when boxing up, there are plenty of ingenious packing tricks to help you pack quickly, safely, and efficiently. For example, you might want to try and:

  • Use toilet paper rolls to keep all things that get tangled fast neatly, such as jewelry, weirs, and cords,
  • Place plastic at the opening of shampoo, shower gels, and other toiletries to prevent spilling,
  • Utilize cotton pads to prevent your eyeshadow plates from breaking,
  • Use pots, plastic containers, and suitcases as additional storage spaces (it’s especially useful if you’re in a hurry),
  • Utilize zip bags as a storage space for tiny furniture parts, such as screws and hinges,
  • Place plates in the box vertically to minimize the chance of breaking,
  • Take a picture of the cords before unplugging them from electronic devices, so you can connect them properly after the move, 
  • Digitize whatever you can and give the hard copies away.

Make Yourself Mentally Ready for This Significant Change

All of this physical preparation won’t mean a thing if you’re not emotionally prepared to face life in a foreign country. No matter your reasons for relocating, you must be prepared for a great distance between you and your loved ones on the one hand, and unfamiliar surroundings, on the other. The best way to cope with such a big change is to focus on the relocation benefits and everything you can gain after the move ends – and with positive thinking, the positive will come.

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