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Moving Abroad Checklist Once You Turn 30

There’s no European or American moving abroad checklist, but there are a few that explain how relocating overseas is different in one’s 20s and 30s. You might think you and your 20-something self aren’t so different, but this list might help you see why it’s better to make significant changes after turning 30.

Are you relocating for the first time and are curious to learn how to move to another country? That’s great! In many ways, that means you’re ready to take a leap of faith and follow the dream of settling in somewhere unknown. Make no mistake; wherever you go, it will change you – hopefully, you’re ready for that.

You Might Wonder, Is It Too Late to Move Overseas After 30?

Not everyone who turns 30 suddenly doesn’t worry about questions like “How much does an international move cost?” or good and bad relocation tips. We think relocating overseas at this age is better than any other because of the one crucial thing – mindset.

A 20-something might think they’re insightful and have all their ducks in a row, and some do – this is not secretly a 20-year-old slander blog. However, remember your mindset when you were 20 compared to now, at 30; the difference is likely sky-high. The one thing that might stop you from taking any chances or risks is other people’s opinions.

It’s tough to say, “forget about what others think.” At 20, we likely care a lot about that; some still keep that mindset until the end of their lives. However, that’s rare. It’s not that we stop caring what others think; it’s that we understand which people mean well.

Still, if you love your parents and they say you’re too old to move to Italy and eat pasta by the Colosseum every day, thank them for their opinions and follow your gut. Your life is your own and should be lived according to your instincts.

A girl drinking coffee and looking out the window after moving overseas
It’s never too late to start over and experience life the way you want

Why You’re Ready to Move In Your 30s – The Difference In Mental Health and World Views

If you’re just thinking about relocating, it’s OK. Being scared is a part of life, but you’ll miss out on many wonderful opportunities if you hold onto that feeling for too long. Here’s why relocating overseas in your 30s is good for you and your mental health and why you’re more than ready to take that chance.

You Have More Common Sense and Know Expat Communities Are Helpful

Moving overseas typically represents a romanticized version of events for young people. Much like in the movies, the main character moves to Europe and lives the most fulfilling life from the get-go, not to mention bagging the most suitable property overlooking the Eiffel Tower on a student’s allowance.

Now, at this age, having gone through college and potentially a couple of career changes, you understand the importance of research, budgeting, suitable housing, and health. More than that, you know that fitting in with the locals immediately won’t work and that seeking out expat communities is a great way to get to know the new place.

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Your Priorities Have Changed Over Time

We often make relocation mistakes; that’s the essential part of any move, to be honest. But now, you aren’t just here to pack a backpack and move with some cash, a passport, and lots of good will. You’ve learned how to prioritize self-care and needs a lot more than before.

How many college friends do you have that went on an exchange trip and told the wildest, out-of-this-world stories about their stay there? When you were 20, this was likely a fantastic storytime. Now imagine a 30-year-old friend telling you the same thing. How would you feel? Like they’re out of line and need to get their priorities straight? Yeah. That’s it.

You won’t travel and fall into a circle of neverending parties and ludicrous events – you’ll move because you want something more out of life. If a party or two happens along the way, that’s great. You deserve to have fun.

You Don’t See Another Country as Just a Stop

Something else that 20 and 30-somethings see differently about moving internationally is the frequency of travel. Again, it’s vital to point out that not all 20-somethings are party animals and 30-somethings are tea time enthusiasts; in some cases, the situation is reversed.

However, when we’re younger, we have a bigger thirst to quench. It’s about discovery, adventure, and thrill-seeking experiences. For some, that means going from one country to another without stopping for months. That sounds fun but beats the legitimate reasons to move overseas.

In that case, you haven’t actually moved. You just traveled everywhere for a while. There’s a big difference, and if now, in your 30s, you’re ready to find a home in a new country, your attitude will be different; you’ll dedicate time and energy to making this country a good home filled with comforts and security.

What Does a Moving Abroad Checklist Look Like When You’re 30?

You will have to ask yourself, “who do I need to notify when I move abroad” because you’ll have to tell people. However, don’t let them sway you – you gave a statement that isn’t open for debate. You’ve already called international moving services and determined the benefits of relocating.

Of course, you can’t go on a whim. A relocation to-do list is in order, and it will depend a lot on your priorities. You might have more money than before if your student loans are paid off or you have a steady job that you can keep even after relocation.

Something that folks in their 20s are more likely to accept, that’s generally a huge advantage, is having roommates and living in tiny spaces. At 30, you may not be willing to make these compromises, but as long as you stay realistic during your house hunting phase, you’ll do well.

However, a great advantage of being in your 30s is that you don’t always need to be the center of attention or live right above a busy central street. You’ll most likely be happy finding a comfortable and affordable option a bit farther away from the city center because peace of mind is more important than being close to all the happenings.

When It Comes to Technicalities, Your International Moving Checklist Won’t Be So Different

Someone younger might wonder, “what do I need to do before moving abroad,” but you know that looking into visa requirements and permits is the first step towards safe and legal immigration. Some countries offer working holiday visas only to people under 31, but you’ll probably be applying for a regular work visa anyway.

Here’s an informative video on the countries in the European Schengen area and how to get the correct papers for relocating there.

At This Age, You Can Plan By What Works Best for You and Your Needs

What to bring when moving countries? At this point, you’ve probably established some sort of daily routine and know what it takes to keep you afloat. You’re also aware that, if you want to take up any new hobbies or skills when you move, you can always get things for that in your destination country.

Plan your moving abroad packing list based on just the essential needs. Relocation essentials of a 30-year-old going to a new country should look something like this:

  • Apply for the correct type of visa,
  • Check out the health and life insurance policies,
  • Look into tax obligations in the destination country,
  • Find work,
  • Plan an emergency fund and budget,
  • Look up international relocation service companies,
  • See if you can bring your pet to live with you,
  • Look into what you need for opening a bank account,
  • Search for the best home that suits your criteria and abilities,
  • Set up mail forwarding,
  • Cancel existing utilities,
  • Declutter your home before packing,
  • Prioritize what you need to pack (because you won’t need everything).

Packing With International Movers Seems More Logical Than Doing It All by Yourself

How do you move all of your stuff to another country? Easy – with the help of international mover companies and their packing service. If you want to move efficiently, this is the best way to do it. If the move gets delayed, professional companies provide relocation insurance and storage service for your stuff. You can panic without also watching over all of your boxes.

It’s also always a great idea to have a car available everywhere. If you drive and have a trusted four-wheeler at home, then an international moving company can offer a car shipping service to complete the checklist for moving abroad.

At this time in life, you understand that relocating with professional companies is a lot more comfortable than trying to cram and organize everything alone in the hopes of saving money and time. You can check how much does it cost to ship your belongings overseas without sacrificing travel priorities.

You Don’t Have to Conform to Any Expectations Because You’ve Been Through Some

It’s not that you have all the relocation hacks in your arsenal after getting to a certain age, but by all accounts, you’re now wiser to recognize potential relocation scams and know the answer to “how much money should I save before moving abroad.” What you may not be fully resistant to are other people’s expectations.

When we finish high school, the first question is “where will you go to college?” and once that’s over, questions like “when will you find a job?” and “why don’t you have a partner?” circle over your head like vultures. We’re expected to be set after a certain age, which is tough to conform to.

If all you have under your belt is a decent job and a loving pet, that’s enough. You don’t have more things to worry about during your international move, and there’s no need to pack heaps of clothes, toys, and furniture to make others happy.

You don’t have to conform to any societal pressures, especially when relocating across the globe. That deed is, after all, the least in-the-box thing you could do. Plan your moving abroad packing checklist to reflect where you currently are, not where others want you to be. Life isn’t planned; you have to live it.

Questions Like “When Will You Have a Kid and Not a Pet” Stopped Bothering You

It can be discouraging to get to work on a project of your dreams, and all everyone you love thinks about is your future, unplanned wedding date. For people close to their families, these expectations can lead them to wrong decisions and paths.

That’s why, if you aren’t affected by these expectations, you get a million bonus points. Not that we’re keeping score, but you’re in the lead. The good part about getting older is realizing that expectations from other people can’t and shouldn’t affect how we do things.

You can learn how to do this, but nothing can replace years of experience and that one click in your head when you realize that life’s too short to be constantly worried or conforming. Home is where you’re the happiest and your best self.

A girl looking out the window and pondering moving internationally
It’s easy for people to have expectations, but it’s not easy for you to fulfill each one

Things Just Get Better With Age, and So Do You – Don’t Miss Out on Life-Changing Opportunities

It can be tough to deal with other people’s reactions after relocating overseas, but this life is about how you live it for yourself, not others. For someone who’s worked hard and created an elaborate plan to move to a foreign country, the sky is the limit because they know what they want.

You don’t have to desire to be like that; you can be that. All it takes is some courage, a good head on your shoulders, and a well-planned relocation to-do list as insurance that everything will go well. The moment to plan a move to your new home has come.

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