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Is Moving Abroad Alone Selfish?

If you have shared your desire to move abroad on your own with someone close to you, the chances are that they weren’t happy. You might’ve even gotten a comment about being extremely selfish. Is this really the case – is moving abroad alone something to be considered selfish? We’ll try to untangle this complex issue in the text below, so keep reading for the answer.

Even though many people would say it is somewhat selfish, moving abroad alone is not a selfish act. Deciding to do this for yourself is a big deal, and no one should be allowed to guilt you into staying in a place where you don’t want to be. When you think about it rationally, people wanting you to change your plans for their benefit are actually the ones who are selfish.

Thinking About Moving Abroad Alone – Are You Ready for This Challenge?

Before we get into the complicated psychological issue of whether or not it’s selfish to relocate to another country, there are a few things you have to ask yourself:

  • Should I move to a new country on my own?
  • Is this something I am ready for?
  • Can I tackle all the problems that might arise during this process?
  • Do I know how to avoid all relocation mistakes?

If you’re having these dilemmas, the most important thing is to make YOUR own decisions. Everyone has their own reasons for relocating, and you certainly wouldn’t want anyone else to influence you. This isn’t something that your parents or friends should be asked about. Sure, even your boss will miss you if you are an excellent worker but is that a reason to stay somewhere you no longer feel content and happy? Put yourself first, and think of your wellbeing – you deserve this.

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Is It Hard to Live Abroad Alone? You Would Have to Make an Entirely New Life for Yourself

Is moving abroad alone a good idea, looking from a strictly logistic perspective? We all know that even organizing a move can be tough, even when you have excellent international moving services. However, it’s not impossible – admittedly, you will feel some relocation stress, but that’s a small price to pay for settling in a different country and enjoying a new way of life. So, it all comes down to this – are you a person who’s scared of taking risks, or will you take a leap and move without much anxiety about relocating?

American passport on top of a plane ticket
Do you wish to live authentically or just fall into a pattern like everyone else? The decision is up to you

Is Moving Abroad Selfish If You Plan to Do It on Your Own?

When you tell your friends and family that you’re relocating to a foreign country, you probably won’t get a happy response or a few smart tips for moving abroad alone. And who can blame them? They will be sad to see you leave and go so far away – who knows how often you will be able to visit each other? But does this really make you a selfish person? Let’s think about this logically – approach this topic without an emotional filter.

Ask Yourself – Whose Feelings Would Be Hurt and Are They Entitled to That Sentiment?

It’s only natural that your loved ones would need time to get used to this idea. People don’t like when their close friends or family members move to another corner of the world. However, here’s the catch – while they are allowed to be sad, they shouldn’t make this situation all about them. This is your story, and drawing focus on how they feel isn’t fair to you. Those who are supportive of you will congratulate you, wish you all the best, and maybe even ask whether they can help you pack furniture for the move.

Here’s One of the Best Life Tips – You Are Responsible Only for Your Decisions, and Not How Others Interpret Them

Deciding where to live is one of the most important decisions ever. Of course, you can make this decision many times in your life, but it will definitely affect a significant period in the future. Still, you don’t do this for others – you do it for yourself, with all the good benefits of relocating in mind. This isn’t something that can hurt people around you – it has nothing to do with them. If you find yourself in a situation where you are told that this isn’t okay to those close to you, we hope you will be able to recognize this as just a simple guilt-tripping – don’t fall for it.

An airplane in the sky
Don’t be scared to buy that plane ticket and learn what it’s like to live in another country

Can Wanting to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Experience New and Different Things Be Selfish? Absolutely Not

One of the best things a person can do for themselves is to evolve and step out of their comfort zone. If you stay in one place for your entire life – metaphorically and literally – how will you improve? Don’t you want to learn more and see more of the world? Even if you don’t have the constant need to go further, it’s wise to push yourself from time to time – and maybe now is the perfect moment to book relocation and packing services and find a different home. There’s nothing even remotely selfish in that.

View of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Wouldn’t you like to see different countries and cities and live in some of them? Just go for it

If You Think About It, It’s Actually the Other Way Around – Those Who Want You to Stay Are Being Selfish

So, once you think about the relocation from the self-improving aspect, it’s easy to come to the conclusion that those who don’t wish to see you move are actually being a little bit selfish – they would deny you this amazing opportunity to grow as a person just because they wouldn’t be able to see you every day. Be sure to remind them of the wonders of modern technology – you will be able to talk to each other literally whenever you wish to, and it’s not like you will disappear from the face of the Earth completely.

You Can Help Your Friends and Family by Giving Them Enough Time to Get Used to This Idea and Organizing a Proper Goodbye

There are a few things that can help you persuade your loved ones that everything will be good even though you’ll be far from home. Family is always family, and there is more than one way to stay in touch with friends. So, how to ensure things are fine before you get to tackle the task from your to-do list?

For starters, you will need to tell them about this change a few months in advance – which is possible since you probably won’t be pulling off a last-minute move. That’s a very complicated type of relocation and surely not something you should try when moving internationally for the first time.

This will give them enough time to get used to the idea of you living abroad while you pack and prepare for your efficient move. Also, the best way to say goodbye is to simply throw an amazing going-away party – it will mean a lot to all your important people, and you probably won’t be immune to so many emotions as well.

Groups of five at the party, cheering with wine glasses
What’s one of the key things about international relocations? Throwing an epic going-away party

This Amazing Adventure Will Open You Up to So Many Great New Experiences in Life – Don’t Miss It for the World

Where do we even start when explaining the benefits of residing in a foreign country? There are so many great experiences you can get from this. You will meet new people and improve your career – imagine how interesting it will be in completely foreign surroundings. Handling all those relocation essentials is well worth the result – we can promise you that.

You Will Learn a New Language and Explore Different Cultures and Traditions 

Understanding a different culture is way more important than you’d think. Not only will it help you fit better into a place you now call home, but it will also mean a lot for your education. Plus, it’s easier to avoid awkward situations when you know all the local traditions and customs. Start reading about the culture you will immerse in before you even step foot on the foreign land – this will be of great help with battling culture shock. You need to be prepared for the unexpected – various cultures have a lot of differences we’re not aware of.

Of course, the crucial part of living far from home is learning a second language. It sounds complicated at first, but the fact is that you can easily become fluent in a certain language if you listen to native speakers every day – which you will once you move. Still, most Americans who decide to move overseas start learning the language long before the actual relocation day. If you don’t know where to begin with this task, worry not – there are many excellent tips for learning a language, starting from those explained in the video below. Be sure to check it out.

You Will See Beautiful Places

Last but not least, let us not forget one great benefit of changing the city you reside in – you will see a lot of beauty. Imagine you’re living in Italy, Germany, or Japan, who knows. All the countries have something unique to offer and beautiful cities to show off. You will soak in the history and the architecture of the place. Think about how, in a few short months, you will be enjoying your morning coffee with a completely different view than the one you’re used to!

View of Florence, Italy, at sunset
There are so many beautiful cities in the world – which one will you choose?

Let Go of the Guilt for Leaving Your Home and Start Organizing the Move

Now that you are finally ready to let go of the guilt and all those doubts about your decision, you can relax. You should start with preparations for this exciting new chapter of your life – but where do you begin? How can I move abroad by myself? It’s not so easy to prepare for relocating to a different part of the world, but the first step is always the same – finding a trusted international moving company.

Indeed, moving overseas is only possible if you have a great international mover by your side. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals. International movers will make your move effortless and efficient, and you will find yourself in a new home very quickly.

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