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How to Live in Another Country as an Expat?

Are you thinking about leaving your home and relocating overseas? If this thought has crossed your mind, you should probably learn how to live in another country before you start packing your bags and looking for international movers. It will be an exciting adventure for sure, so let’s take a look at what you need to know.

Living abroad requires some preparation. After you decide where to move to, you will have to do detailed research on that place (politics and economy), get a job there, and save some money to have just in case until you get settled. Relocation preparations will take at least a few months, and that includes getting all the necessary documentation for living abroad legally. Battling culture shock and learning a language will also be crucial – keep in mind that adjusting to the new environment can take a few months.

Making Great Memories – Moving Abroad Will Be a True Adventure

If you are interested in exploring other countries more than just on a short vacation, you must be considering relocating abroad. It sounds like an amazing opportunity, but you must be wondering – how can I live in another country by myself? Is it crazy to even think about relocating internationally?

We don’t think so – there are so many benefits of relocating and embracing the unknown. You will grow as a human being and learn so much. There’s nothing quite like stepping into a foreign land and opening yourself to different cultures – it’s the ultimate adventure and something everyone must try at least once in their lifetime. So, why not pick this moment and decide to move to another country?

How to Live in Another Country as a US Citizen? Here’s Where to Start

Leaving home isn’t as simple as deciding to do so. Apart from telling people in your life that you plan to move far away, you have a lot of things to do before you board that plane. In fact, we might even say that you need to make a to-do list – it’s the easiest way to keep track of tasks you have yet to finish. But, let’s start from the beginning – where and why do you want to move?

First Things First – What Are Your Reasons for Moving Internationally?

Understanding our reasons for relocating will help us figure out what place would be the best one for settling down. Sure, you can simply ask yourself – what is the easiest country to move to, get a visa and jump on the plane, but it probably wouldn’t be the wisest course of action. Such an important step in your life deserves some careful consideration. Do you want to move for a career or a loved one? Is your education what’s driving you to travel far away and find a different home? Think about this when choosing where to put the pin on the map.

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What Is the Ideal Destination for You – Do You Have a Place in Mind?

What is the right place for you? Ask yourself – where can I feel comfortable and have great job opportunities? Money is certainly an important factor, so it’s wise to consider your financial situation. Also, don’t forget about the cultural differences. Will learning a new language be an issue for you? With all this in mind, what is the place on this planet where you can fit in and have the best time?

A globe on the table and two more globes behind it
Where should you move to? Take time to think about this before making a decision

Doing Research on Your Future Country Is Essential

If you want to travel to and live comfortably in one of many beautiful countries in the world, you should have at the very least a basic knowledge of the place – this is one of the international relocation essentials. Not everything will be the same abroad as in your homeland, and you might have plenty of awkward situations if you’re not informed about the customs, traditions, and history, as well as the current happenings in that geographical area. In fact, forgetting to do this is one of the worst relocation mistakes you can make.

That’s why exploring is necessary. Luckily, you have access to countless sources of information via the internet, and social media can be of great help as well. Find influencers who live in the place you plan on relocating to and soak in the information and knowledge.

What Is the Political and Economic Situation There Like?

Wherever you go, even if it’s just a short travel experience, it’s important to know something about the political and socio-economic climate in those countries. Opposite corners of the world have such different situations when it comes to politics, law, and standard of living. This will affect your everyday life, so it’s best to be informed. Once more, the internet comes to your rescue – start by following the credible news sources and influential people of the place you’ll be living in and the countries that surround it.

Woman typing on the laptop, coffee, notebook, and flowers on the desk next to it
Make time to get to know all about the place and its people, politics, and history

Do You Have a Job Lined Up, or Enough Money Saved Until You Find One?

Finding a job should be one of your priorities before the move unless you are actually relocating because of a job. Researching the job market and work opportunities can take months, so make sure you don’t start too late. You will also need to learn a bit about the economic standard to fully understand what kind of salary you can expect and what job will suit you best.

Whether You’ve Gotten a Job or Not, It’s Always Wise to Save Up Some Money When Moving Overseas to a New Country

Job or no job, it’s never smart to sail off to a foreign land without some money saved up. You can never predict everything that can go wrong or even calculate the cost of relocating down to every last dollar, so savings will be necessary. Common expert advice says that you should have at least six months worth of living expenses saved before you relocate overseas.

Laptop and monitor on the desk in an office, and a window behind it
Your work is an important aspect of life – what do you plan to do after you move?

Preparations for Moving Internationally Take at Least a Few Months – Especially if You Are Relocating With Kids

When you start preparing for a move, even with your trusted sidekick known as a to-do list, you will realize that this won’t be a walk in the park. You will have so much packing to do, not to mention getting rid of things you don’t want to take with you. Our advice? Explore the world of relocation hacks if you want to save yourself plenty of energy and reduce the anxiety about the move.

There is one more important thing to prepare for the move – your kids. If you are relocating with kids, be aware of the fact that children don’t typically love to move. Careful explanation of the situation and serious talks are in order, especially if the kids are relocating for the first time. However, nothing is impossible, and experts often say that children adapt well to changes – but it might take them a little while. Check out this video below to hear more about relocating abroad with little children.

What Legal Documentation Is Required for Relocating and Living Abroad?

Figuring out all about your future home is indeed important, but let’s not forget the legal aspect of changing countries. How to live in another country legally? All you require is proper documentation, of course – starting from a visa. Since you plan on staying for a while, you will probably require a resident visa – other options are a student and a work visa. 

That’s far from all the documentation needed to travel abroad – have you checked your passport to see for how long it is valid? It should be valid for at least six months after your travel, but some countries will ask you to have a valid passport while you are their resident, so be sure to check that. You can always find correct information on the country’s official website. Here are the other types of documents you will have to bring with you to this exciting travel experience:

  • Plane tickets,
  • US driver’s license,
  • ID card,
  • Birth certificate,
  • Medical and immunization records,
  • Health insurance,
  • Vet records and the pet’s passport (if relocating with pets).

Battling Culture Shock – Tips for Adjusting in a Foreign Land

You can know everything there is about a certain place, its traditions, and its people, and still experience plenty of culture shock once your travel is done and you find yourself in a completely different place than your hometown. People can’t help it – changes stress us out, plus you will already feel plenty of relocation stress. But don’t worry – that will pass quickly, and you won’t even feel depression after relocating because you will be so obsessed with exploring your lovely city.

Also, don’t forget – you will need to learn a language to settle in fully, and that will take a significant amount of your time. Even if you’re not a great language learner, we’re sure you can do this – the good news is that there are many tips for learning a language, just like there are countless brilliant relocation tips – you will need both of these. When you start speaking a new language, you will realize how much that helps with the culture shock – you will feel more settled in. Here are some other tips that will make you feel more welcome and at home in a foreign place.

  • Learning about history can help you – We’ve already mentioned this as necessary, but don’t underestimate the power of history – knowing all about it can help you embrace the culture and start thinking of that place as your home, rather than a foreign area.
  • Connect with other expats – About 10 million Americans are expats, and you can find them all over the world. Surely there are some groups you can find in your new city. The Association of American Residents Overseas (AARO) is a great way to start the search.
  • Explore your new city – Not only will walking around allow you to relax after months of relocation preparations, but you will also get the added benefit of getting to know your surroundings. Find a favorite coffee shop or a park you love – you’ll see how much that helps with settling down.
  • Learn about the country’s cuisine – It’s a great way to get more familiar with the culture, plus it’s fun. Cooking interesting dishes you have never seen before will be exciting, and you will also get to enjoy fantastic international cuisine. When you find new friends, you can proudly show them that you appreciate their traditional cuisine.

Before You Get to Experience the Beauty of a New Land, You Will Have to Find Excellent International Movers

How do I move to another country? All those preparations won’t do you any good if you don’t find a reputable relocation company that will provide you with excellent international moving services. How would you ship all your belongings without a trustworthy international mover or two? It would be next to impossible, don’t you agree?

You might also require packing assistance – it can get overwhelming trying to pack your entire life in countless boxes, so don’t hesitate to book professionals to help you and provide you with an efficient move. However, you must be careful when choosing a relocation company – sadly, there are many relocation scams out there, and you wouldn’t want to end up as a victim of one of them.

International mover standing in front of boxes, showing thumbs up
Relocating overseas is simple with a good international moving company by your side

It Might Be Hard at First, but You Will Quickly Realize That This Move Has Paid Off

Yes, such a drastic change is often scary, but don’t let the fear hold you back. Even if you fail and don’t settle in (which is pretty impossible, but we understand the anxiety), you can always say you tried. Isn’t that better than regretting you never gave it a shot? Don’t hesitate – choose the destination and start relocation preparations. We can promise you that, even if it seems hard at first, international relocations are something that certainly pays off.

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