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Who to Notify When Moving Internationally – An Administrative Guide to Relocating Abroad

Moving overseas is an exciting undertaking that comes with many preparations. And even though most of the physical work will be done by an international moving company, there are some things only you can do regarding paperwork and other arrangements. If you don’t know who to notify when moving internationally, you came to the right place.

Relocation abroad will require you to do all of this on time, and if you know who to notify when you move and have all information in place before relocation, you will save yourself a lot of stress. As you know, relocating to another country means you will have to get all your business in order so you can start freshly in the new country.

Government Institutions You Have to Inform About the Address Change

There can be a lot of reasons to move to another country, and depending on those reasons gathering the travel documents will be different. For example, if you’re relocating for a job, your employer will probably arrange everything, from visa to temporary staying permits. The case will probably be similar if you’re relocating for studies. Nevertheless, even though most paperwork will be done, once you arrive in a new country, you will have to inform the authorities about your whereabouts. In some countries, this will be done automatically, while in others, you will have to go to the local police station.

Either way, authorities must have information about your location for your security. Also, if you’re relocating for a job but you’re still employed by a US company, you will have to inform the IRS because you will have to pay taxes. But even if you find a job in a foreign company, you will still have to pay taxes in the US and in the country you’re working.  

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You Have to Visit the Automobile Association of America

One of the crucial thighs on your relocation checklist is a visit to the Automobile Association of America. At AAA, you will get your International Driving Permit (IDP). With this permit, you will be able to drive with a US license in a foreign country, at least for a while after overseas car shipping is done, before getting a local one. Most of the countries in Europe will accept only US licenses, but some will require IDP as well. The process of getting an IDP is easy and simple, and it only costs $20. So if you want to be efficient in your move, do this, and you will not have to worry about driving in any country. Note that you will not be able to get IDP that easily once you move.

Who to Notify When Moving Car to Another Country?

If you are relocating for the first time and don’t know how to move to another country without hiccups, the best course of action will be to pay for international moving services. Hire a legitimate company, and you will avoid relocation scammers and other problems. With an international professional mover waiting for you on both ends, you will rest assured that all your belongings will be safe, including your car.

But note if you plan to ship your car overseas and you have an unpaid car, you will probably have to pay off the car entirely before shipping. Some banks may give you a special permit to ship unpaid cars but in most cases, this option will not be available. You will need to have all the car papers in place before you ship a car to another country. Also, once you arrive, you will have to register your car in the country you are relocating to and pay taxes and insurance as well. These rules vary from country to country so make sure you find out all about them before you move.

Inform Post Office

Probably the best way to notify change of address is to go to through post office. You can file a change of residency form online and file for e-mail forwarding. And if you wonder when should you change your address when moving, the answer is – at least one week before your move.

If you are relocating without selling your US home, you can put your family member or a friend as residents, and all your mail will be forwarded to them. If you are expecting some important mail, USPS has an international forwarding option, but this service will cost you a lot. So make sure to calculate carefully which option is the best for you. Also, if you wonder who gets notified when you change your address at the UPSP, the answer is nobody (except USPS, of course). The post office will simply forward mail for the next 12 months at the address you provided, but it won’t inform anybody else.

Post mailbox
Your mail will only be forwarded for 12 months

Financial Institutions You Need to Visit

When you move, who should you notify? Well, aside from the Post Office and IRS, you should inform your bank as well. First of all, if you plan to keep the American bank account, you must inform your bank about the relocation so your credit card doesn’t get blocked. Secondly, if you inform them about your relocation, you may adjust your account to the international usage so you do not pay too many fees on each transaction. Also, since all US bank accounts require a US address, you will have to give your bank a new location in the US. You can ask friends or family members about this as well.  

Talk to Your Employer About the Relocation

If you are planning to find a job in a new country, naturally, you will have to inform your current employer and quit your job. On the other hand, if you are working from home and plan to relocate and continue to work for the same employer, you will need to tell them about your plans. For starters, if this employer sends checks to your home, this will no longer be possible. Your employer will have to start paying you directly on your bank account. Also, if you have health insurance through this employer, paying for it will be pointless since you no longer live there. Take a look at this video for more tips on remote work.

Change of Address – Who to Notify? Inform Your Landlord

If you are currently renting a place, you will have to inform your landlord. You will have to give them notice about your plans and the exact date of your relocation. One of the relocation tips we can give you is to book your movers at least three weeks before this date. You can ship your belongings earlier, so you have them at your new location as soon as you arrive. As you know, shipping by sea usually lasts longer than ordinary land shipping, so you have to be prepared to live for a couple of weeks without your belongings. Another great relocation hack is to pack all your relocation essentials in two bags that can go on a plane, regardless of the company’s packing services. Here are some things you have to include in your essentials when relocating abroad:

  • All your documents,
  • Clothing for a couple of weeks,
  • Laptop and phone,
  • Chargers and adapters,
  • Medications,
  • Hygiene products,
  • Pets’ documents and food.

Cancel All Your Utilities on Time

Who all needs to be notified when you move? Well, utility providers are among the most important. If you do not cancel them, the bills will continue to come in your name, so make sure you do this on time. From water and internet to electricity and gas, you have to call each provider and ask for termination of the contract and service. Make sure you put the day after you move as the day when these utilities should be canceled. If you are selling your home, you can transfer the contract to the buyers of the house if they agree. If not, you will have to cancel them. Either way, your checklist must include the contact with your utility providers.

Person unscrewing the light bulb
Switch your power off once you leave your home for security reasons

Who to Notify When Moving? Contact Your Phone Company and Get a New Plan

Who to notify of the change of address regarding your phone but the phone company? You have the option to cancel this number and take a local number once you relocate. Or you can ask your phone company about the international plans they have. Some companies will give you free internet for calls, while others have affordable roaming options available. In time, you will probably need to own the local SIM card as well, so you can easily communicate with your new friends, but until you’re all settled in, you can always keep your old number and cancel it later on.

Girl holding the phone
Go to the retail phone store and buy a local SIM card

Which Addresses Do I Need to Change When Moving?

You probably wonder, is it possible to have more people and company I need to inform? Well, just think about all your online subscriptions. Do not make classic relocation mistakes and forget to cancel your gym membership subscription. Or even worse, order something online and ship it to your old home. You will be surprised how often this happens.

Also, if you have forwarded your mail to a friend or family member, ensure you cancel all magazines and other subscriptions. You do not want them to receive too much of your junk mail. So ensure you erase all your addresses on the online services you use. Just sit down and go through your phone apps one by one. That will take only a couple of minutes and will save you money. Also, see what kind of apps can work in your country of choice, because if that service is not available there, you can cancel it now, so it doesn’t charge you that month.

Don’t Forget to Inform Friends and Family 

Now that you know who to notify of the address change, it is time to consider how to inform your friends and family about your plans. Naturally, close friends and family members will know about your plans from the moment you decide to relocate, but some distant family will not. You can send one e-mail to all your contacts and inform them about your move. You can post this on social media as well. Close people in your life should receive your new location as soon as you arrive and settle. This way they can give you a surprise visit.

Family and friends eating together
Don’t forget to inform your close people

Last But Not Least, Update Your International Movers

When should you start changing your address when moving? As we mentioned earlier, this process should start as soon as you book your movers and set a relocation date. But don’t forget to inform your movers about your new location as soon as you find a place to live because they will have to ship your belongings to this location. A good and professional company will remind you about this on time but keep in mind that these companies are dealing with a lot of shipping on a daily basis, and it can slip their mind to ask for it. When relocating overseas, ensure to book the company on time, a minimum of one month before your move.

This way, you will have enough time to finish all the necessary formalities and arrangements. If possible, book your company after you find a place to live. If you find a place to live first, a lot of things will be done easier because you will have a physical address to provide.

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